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Our logo

We take our name from the local Berkhamsted Castlea strong and important motte-and-bailey castle dating from the 11th to 15th centuries.

It was at Berkhamsted Castle where, after the Battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror received the submission of the English. Kept in royal hands, it was occupied by key figures of the Middle Ages, such as Thomas Becket, Richard, Earl of Cornwall, and the Black Prince. 

It was natural that our logo should therefore depict a 'castle' image but as a Church of England foundation, we wanted to include a cross. Can you see the outline of a cross in the framework of the window? (Some feedback said this looked like two people talking - a key feature of working closely together.)

As well as being the castle brickwork, the stones could represent our schools working together and supporting each other; they could represent members of our schools: each different and unique, yet together flourishing in learning and love.

In the hymn 'Ye that know the Lord is gracious', the author draws on text from The First Letter of Peter, in which Christians are likened to the stones in God’s temple. On a strong foundation, we are each called to be living stones:

  • to hold fast and be strong;
  • to support one another;
  • to be thankful and give praise;
  • to flourish.

see that on that sure foundation
we a living temple raise,
towers that may tell forth salvation,
walls that may re-echo praise.
Cyril Argentine Alington, from 1 Peter 2: 3-10